CoD: Warzone | Update bringt Balancing-Anpassungen, Fixes & mehr
Raven Software hat heute ein neues Update für „Call of Duty: Warzone“ veröffentlicht. Damit werden Fehlerkorrekturen und Balancing-Anpassungen an Waffen und Aufsätzen vorgenommen. Außerdem fügt der Patch Lootbare Perks auf Fortune’s Keep hinzu. Nachfolgend haben wir für euch die vollständigen Patch Notes.
Patch Notes – 30. Juni 2022
Der heutige Patch behebt unter anderem Kollisionsprobleme auf Caldera, einen Exploit bei Schwarzmarkt Buystations und UAV Fehler etc. Außerdem fügt das Update Lootbare Perks auf Fortune’s Keep hinzu. Weitere wichtige Anpassungen sind Änderungen der Waffenbalance von Sturmgewehren, Scharfschützengewehren, LMGs und SMGs. Zudem wurden auch einige Aufsätze weiter angepasst. Alle Einzelheiten könnt ihr den Patch Notes unterhalb dieser Zeilen entnehmen.
- Lootable Perks have been enabled on Fortune’s Keep.
- ixed collision issues with various elements across Caldera allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.
- Fixed an issue allowing Players to exploit Black Market Buy Stations to access unintended areas of the map.
- Fixed an issue causing the F Zombie to T-pose.
- Fixed an issue causing the UAV HUD/Tac Map sweep to not originate from the Player icon.
- Fixed an issue with the H4 Blixen (VG) interrupt time being longer than intended when reloading while in ADS.
- Fixed an issue causing performance drops while doing the Black Market Supply Run Contract.
- Fixed an issue preventing Players from purchasing a Loadout at the start of a private Battle Royale match.
- Fixed an issue causing the out-of-bounds audio and visual warning on Fortune’s Keep to remain stuck on screen when reentering the play area.
» Assault Rifles «
NZ-41 (VG)
- Lower Torso Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.0, down from 1.1
- Orb Weaver 360mm BC
- Horizontal Recoil control decreased to 25%, down from 30%
- Muzzle Velocity decreased to 30%, down from 40%
- 6.5mm Sakura 50 Round Mags
- Vertical Recoil control decreased to 20%, down from 40%
- Horizontal Recoil control decreased to 35%, down from 45%
» Light Machine Guns «
UGM-8 (VG)
- Muzzle Velocity decreased by 4%
- Bernard XL214 736mm
- Muzzle Velocity decreased to 35%, down from 50%
- Romuald 560mm DA
- Max Damage decreased to 29, down from 32
- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier decreased by 10%
- Muzzle Velocity decreased to 10%, down from 35%
- Recoil Control now decreased by 25% after the second bullet
- .50 BMG 50 Round Box
- Muzzle Velocity decreased to 20%, down from 30%
- .50 BMG 75 Round Box
- Muzzle Velocity decreased to 20%, down from 30%
- 6.5mm Sakura 125 Round Box
- Muzzle Velocity decreased to -20%, down from -15%
- Rate of Fire decreased to 4%, down from 5%
- Recoil Control decreased to 15%, down from 20%
- Movement Speed scaler now 0.98
- .303 British 75 Round Box
- Damage Range increased to -15%, up from -20%
- Recoil Control decreased to 15%, down from 20%
» Sniper Rifles «
3-Line Rifle (VG)
- Muzzle Velocity increased by 4%
Kar98k (VG)
- Muzzle Velocity increased by 4%
Type 99 (VG)
- Muzzle Velocity increased by 4%
» Submachine Guns «
H4 Blixen (VG)
- Max Damage Range decreased to 9.92 meters, down from 12.46 meters
- Mid Damage Range decreased to 17.3 meters, down from 19.84 meters
- Jönsson 9″ RMK
- Max Damage Range decreased to 15.2 meters, down from 17.17 meters
Marco 5 (VG)
- Hipfire Accuracy decreased when in crouch or prone position
- Perfetto Lesto 355mm
- Movement Speed decreased to 5%, down from 10%
» Ammunition «
- Muzzle Velocity decreased to 8%, down from 10%
» Muzzles «
MX Silencer
- Muzzle Velocity decreased to 12%, down from 15%
» Under Barrels «
M1941 Handstop
- Recoil Control decreased to 3.5%, down from 4%

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