Modern Warfare 2 x Warzone 2.0 | Update 1.13 verfügbar
Infinity Ward veröffentlicht heute Update 1.13 | 1.013.000 für „Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 und Warzone 2.0“. Die Downloadgröße beträgt je nach Plattform zwischen 515.3 MB und 2+ GB. Auf Playstation ist der Preload bereits möglich. Installierbar ist das Update jedoch erst heute Abend um 18 Uhr. Um diese Zeit dürfte der Patch dann auch auf Xbox und PC ausgerollt werden. Überwiegend liegt der Fokus auf Fehlerkorrekturen und einer UI-Verbesserung des Battle Pass Menüs. Das große Update mit den Season 2 Inhalten und umfangreicheren Gameplay-Anpassungen wird am 15. Februar 2023 erscheinen. Nachfolgend findet ihr die Patch Notes.
Patch Notes zu Update 1.13 | 1.013 für Modern Warfare 2 und Warzone 2.0
Das heutige Update bringt einige Fixes für Warzone 2.0 BR und DMZ sowie den MW2 Multiplayer und nimmt Verbesserungen an der Menüführung des Battle Pass Menüs vor. U.a wurde ein neuer Tab im Battle Pass Menü hinzugefügt, der Auskunft über noch übrige Tokens gibt. In den vollständigen Patch Notes heißt es:
- Crashes
- This update contains several fixes to reduce the number of known crashes. We continue to prioritize increased stability and crash fixes across all platforms.
- Battle Pass
- Improved navigation of Battle Pass including fixes for some Players experiencing freezing.
- Introduced a new feature to highlight any unspent Battle Pass tokens.
- Fixed an issue that caused multiple speaker names to persist on screen when four or more players were talking in chat.
- Fixed an issue that caused a visual error with the Combat Knife in the Armory.
- Fixed an issue with directional navigation for progression in Gunsmith.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Players to move the text on Attachments in Gunsmith.
- Fixed some issues that could cause menus to close out unexpectedly.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the Player’s screen to turn black when exiting the Firing Range.
- Fixed an issue that caused previewing a desired Bundle in the Store to show incorrect content.
- Fixed a visual issue causing rainbow colors when navigating between menus quickly.
- Fixed a UI issue that showed all Operators using the same execution.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the Player’s screen to turn black while navigating the Store.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the Store Bundle purchase cinematic to replay multiple times.
- Fixed an issue that would display the “Toronto Ultra” Bundle after a purchase despite purchasing a different Bundle.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused melee kills not to track.
- Fixed an issue with tracking distance of Longshot Challenges when opponents were using Last Stand Perk.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented match wins from counting towards Calling Card Challenges.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Players to earn XP when damaged by their own Suppression Mine.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Players to maintain the effects of Dead Silence or Battle Rage by purchasing a new Field Upgrade while another was already active.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Players to gain XP when using a Stim in the Gas.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to freeze and disconnect a Player, or cause loss of functionality, after interacting with a Loadout Crate.
- Addressed a number of issues impacting functionality and flow of equipping, swapping and previewing Insured Slot Weapons.
- Fixed an issue where opening a medium or large Backpack’s Weapon slot initially blocks scrolling back down to the main Loadout items.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Players to duplicate items.
- Fixed an issue causing party members to appear as “Not Ready” while preparing for a match.
- Fixed a bug where items from a Player’s Backpack would show up in a Dead Drop.
- Fixed an issue where hovering over a locked Contraband gun does not update the Weapon information in the UI preview.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Players to persist beyond the intended match end time.
- Fixed a bug that allowed two Players to get items from the same Supply Drop at the same time.
- Fixed an issue where pressing down on the scoreboard moves the cursor by two.
- Addressed an exploit allowing blocked attachments to be equipped.
- Fixed a UI bug in the Store that caused Free Bundle tags to stay on screen across other items.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when leaving the Firing Range with a secondary weapon equipped.
- Fixed an issue where some players did not receive the Anime Enjoyer sticker after purchasing the Notice Me 1.0 bundle.
- Fixed an exploit allowing access to non-Core MP maps in a Private Match.
- Fixed a bug where weapons that had a receiver manually changed in Gunsmith could not be equipped in DMZ.
Gestern wurden zudem folgende Fehler behoben:
- Fixed an issue where players were able to save Blueprints from Private Matches and Showcase.
- Fixed an issue that could affect Basilisk bullet spread when ADS.
- Fixed an issue with Gaz Operator skin (Grass Ops) not appearing as purchased once unlocked.
- Fixed an issue that caused lingering smoke to disappear while in ADS during active S.A.E..
- Fixed an issue which prevented Players from selecting a Blueprint after leaving a match early.
- Fixed an issue that caused Steam friends to appear as their SteamID64 rather than their intended nickname.
- Fixed an issue preventing Players from selecting the correct number of Battle Pass Tokens to purchase.
M.2 SSD für Playstation 5*AD

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