GTA Online: Neues Update bringt Diamond Casino & Resort & mehr; Patch Notes, Trailer & Infos

by Ed Snow

GTA Online: Neues Update bringt Diamond Casino & Resort & mehr; Patch Notes, Trailer & Infos

Rockstar hat ein neues Update für Grand Theft Auto Online veröffentlicht. Dieses bringt das Diamon Casino & Resort ins Spiel. Nachfolgend haben wir für euch die Trailer sowie weitere Infos und die Patch Notes.

GTA Online: The Diamond Casino & Resort

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Im Blog heißt es:

Heute ist der Tag der feierlichen Neueröffnung des Diamond Casino & Resort, eines riesigen Entertainment- und Luxuswohnkomplexes, der gut erreichbar in Vinewood gelegen ist und allen Bewohnern des südlichen San Andreas offensteht. Euer Vergnügen steht im Diamond im absoluten Mittelpunkt, ganz gleich, ob ihr euch mit Freunden zu einer Vielzahl von Aktivitäten trefft oder in eurem persönlichen Penthouse-Spa Ruhe und Frieden sucht. Das Diamond ist hier, um euch zu verwöhnen.

GTA Online: The Grand Opening of The Diamond Casino & Resort

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Das Casino bietet unzählige Aktivitäten für jeden Geschmack. Spielt mit Jetons gegen die Bank, versucht euch an Roulette, Blackjack und 3-Card-Poker oder sucht euch einen Platz an den Spielautomaten, die Jetons sowie eine Reihe von besonderen Preisen wie exklusive Kleidung ausschütten. Findet euch bei Inside Track zu einem einzelnen Rennen ein oder nehmt am Hauptevent teil, bei dem ihr euer favorisiertes Pferd zusammen mit Freunden anfeuern könnt. Das Glücksrad kann einmal täglich kostenlos gedreht werden und hält eine Reihe von Preisen wie GTA$, Spezialrabatte und Kleidungsstücke bereit sowie eine wöchentlich rotierende Auswahl an Luxusfahrzeugen, die auf dem Podium in der Lobby ausgestellt sind. Details und Einschränkungen findet ihr beim Rockstar Support.

Die Standard-Mitgliedschaft im Diamond Casino & Resort beträgt 500 GTA$ und beinhaltet ein Willkommensgeschenk in Höhe von 5.000 Jetons sowie Zugang zu verschiedenen Dienstleistungen und Aktivitäten, die das Casino zu bieten hat, unter anderem auch zum Parkdienst. Jeder Besucher (inklusive der Mitglieder) des Diamond erhält einen täglichen Besucherbonus in Höhe von 1.000 Jetons, der beim Kassenservice abgeholt werden kann.

Der Infinity Pool auf der Dachterrasse bietet eine atemberaubende Aussicht und das Penthouse ist schlicht und ergreifend der opulenteste Wohnraum auf dem gesamten Planeten. Passt den Grundriss mit den acht optionalen Erweiterungen – Lounge, Medienzimmer, Spa, Bar & Partybereich, privater Croupier, Büro, Gästezimmer und Garage – an und legt Stile und Farben eurer neuen Immobilie ganz nach eurem Geschmack fest. Dekoriert anschließend die Wände mit hochintellektuellen abstrakten Gemälden aus dem Casino-Shop und beeindruckt eure Gäste mit zum Nachdenken anregenden Skulpturen, mit dem vollen Bewusstsein, dass ihre Gehirne einfach viel zu klein sind, um sie gänzlich verstehen zu können. Über die Option „Penthouse-Management“ im Interaktionsmenü könnt ihr eure neuen Dekorationsstücke in den einzelnen Räumen platzieren.

Beim Kauf eines Penthouses erhaltet ihr automatisch eine VIP-Mitgliedschaft, die euch Zugang zu besonderen Annehmlichkeiten wie kostenlosem Parkdienst, Champagner und Limousinenservice sowie zum Luftfahrzeug-Concierge, Tischspielen mit hohen Einsätzen und VIP-Lounges gewährt. Außerdem bekommt ihr Zugriff auf neue kooperative Missionen und vielfältige Casinoarbeit, die ihr im Freien Modus in Angriff nehmen könnt.

Tao Cheng und das Personal des Diamond stecken in ernsthaften Schwierigkeiten. Arbeitet mit der Casinomanagerin Agatha Baker und Cheng zusammen, um das Diamond vor einer feindlichen Übernahme durch die Duggans zu bewahren, einer skrupellosen texanischen Petrochemie-Familie, die ihre Geschäfte mit allen erdenklichen Mitteln ausweiten wollen. Steigt aus dem Infinity Pool und taucht ein in eine brandneue Story mit actiongeladenen Missionen für zwei bis vier Spieler.

VIPs, CEOs und MC-Presidents, die auf der Suche nach zusätzlicher Arbeit sind, können Ms. Baker anrufen und Casinoarbeit übernehmen, die sowohl mit GTA$ als auch mit Jetons entlohnt wird. Holt für das stets dankbare Management-Team gestohlene Ware zurück, kümmert euch um verärgerte Croupiers und vieles mehr.

Der Casino-Shop bietet eine ständig aktualisierte Auswahl an sorgfältig kuratierten Kleidungsstücken, Accessoires und Kunstwerken, die mit Jetons bezahlt werden können. Ganz gleich, ob ihr nach fragwürdiger Resortmode sucht oder nach einem neuen Kunstwerk, das für Gesprächsstoff sorgt – hier findet ihr es. Stellt es zur Schau, tragt es, nagelt es an die Wand.

Ganz egal, ob ihr ein neues Gefährt bei einem Autotreffen im überdachten Parkhaus des Diamond vorführt oder ob ihr dem Parkdienst Arbeit verschafft – neue Fahrzeuge zum Kauf und zum Tuning sind bei Southern San Andreas Super Autos and Legendary Motorsport erhältlich. Der Supersportwagen Truffade Thrax kann ebenfalls gekauft werden, dreht sich aber auch als Hauptpreis der Woche beim Glücksrad auf dem Podium. Legendary Motorsport hat den Sportwagen Obey 8F Drafter, den Supersportwagen Annis S80RR und den Sportwagen Enus Paragon R neu im Programm. Oder holt euch die extrem modifizierbaren Weeny Issi Sport oder Vapid Caracara 4×4 bei Southern San Andreas Super Autos und fahrt sie in der neuen Rennserie mit sieben brandneuen Strecken sowie sieben klassischen, bei Fans beliebten Kursen.

Es gibt Gerüchte um ein paar interessante Gegenstände, die in San Andreas aufgetaucht sind. Sprecht mit jedem beliebigen Antiquitätenhändler und sie werden euch alle dasselbe erzählen: Einige Leute haben ein paar wirklich alte Spielkarten abseits der gewohnten Pfade gefunden. Aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, also wirklich alt.

54 versteckte Spielkarten sind im gesamten Staat verstreut und warten darauf, gefunden zu werden. Jeder Fund wird mit RP und Jetons belohnt. Findet alle und schaltet das exklusive „Der Spieler”-Outfit frei sowie ein einzigartiges Kartenset für euren privaten Croupier, mit dem ihr dann Blackjack und 3-Card-Poker spielen könnt.

Wenn ihr alle Karten findet, schaltet ihr auch einen besonderen Gegenstand in Red Dead Online frei, der dann später in diesem Jahr verfügbar ist.

Twitch-Prime-Mitglieder, die ihre Konten bei Twitch und im Rockstar Games Social Club vor dem 19. Juli verknüpft haben, können das kostenlose Penthouse heute im Spiel über die Website auf ihrem iFruit abholen. Alle, die die Frist verpasst haben, können das Penthouse trotzdem noch kaufen und erhalten innerhalb von 48 Stunden eine Gutschrift für die Basisvariante des Penthouses. Alle Twitch-Prime-Mitglieder, die ihre Konten verknüpft haben, erhalten bis zum 31. Juli 75 % auf den Declasse Scramjet und die Nagasaki Shotaro sowie zusätzlich 10 % auf alle rabattierten Artikel.

Nachdem eure Gäste die Mitglieder-Party verlassen haben und der unentgeltliche Putzdienst die fragwürdigen Flecken von den Polstern entfernt hat, könnt ihr bei zwei Degenatron-Klassikern entspannen. Das Diamond hat die exklusiven Rechte an Invade and Persuade II und Street Crimes: Gang Wars Edition erworben. Beide sind Teil der Erweiterung „Bar & Partybereich“ für das Penthouse.

Spielt in dieser Woche GTA Online, erlebt das Diamond Casino & Resort – und werdet Teil des Diamond-Vorteilsprogramms, um in den Genuss exklusiver Vorzüge zu kommen.

Um die Neueröffnung gebührend zu feiern, schenkt das Diamond Casino & Resort allen Bewohnern von Los Santos das blaue Diamond-Resort-LS-T-Shirt, vollkommen kostenlos. Spielt einfach zu einem beliebigen Zeitpunkt vor dem 31. Juli GTA Online, um euch das Shirt zu sichern.

Falls der Hubschrauber-Landeplatz oben auf dem Diamond besser ausgestattet sein sollte, könnt ihr in dieser Woche den Rabatt von 40 % auf eine Auswahl an Helikoptern wie den Buckingham Swift Deluxe, den Supervolito, den Supervolito Carbon und den Volatus nutzen.

Das heutige Update beinhaltet auch neue Tagesziele sowie eine Vielzahl von Aktualisierungen und Verbesserungen. Aufgrund eures Feedbacks haben wir die Verwendung des Passivmodus in einem Waffenfahrzeug deaktiviert. Wir haben außerdem die Funktion „Als Geist erscheinen“ zugänglicher für Spieler gemacht, die sich in der Defensive befinden. Sie ist nun nach weniger Kills verfügbar und bezieht sich neben einzelnen Spielern nun auch auf Organisationen und MCs. Alle Details findet ihr in den vollständigen Informationen zum Titel-Update.

In den kommenden Wochen gibt es auf dem Newswire weitere Informationen zu neuen Gameplay-Features, Fahrzeugen, Boni und zukünftigen Updates. Weitere Details zu The Diamond Casino & Resort findet ihr unter

GTA Online Casino Patch Notes:

New Content

The Diamond Casino & Resort has been added to GTA Online. The Diamond Casino & Resort is a shared location for players to enjoy together. The Casino offers a wide range of activities and provides multiple Guest Services for players to use.

The Casino Penthouse has been added to GTA Online. Players can purchase a Casino Penthouse from The Diamond Casino & Resort website and can be customized with a choice of optional extras such as a media room, a spa, a private dealer, garage space and much more. The Penthouse also provides owners with a VIP membership that gives access features including with new Casino Story Missions, Freemode Missions and two new arcade games.

Hidden Playing Card Collectibles have been added to GTA Online. Players can find these Hidden Playing Card Collectibles scattered around Los Santos and collect them for a reward. Collectibles progress can be tracked by using the new ‘Collectibles’ option in Interaction Menu.

  • Seven new vehicles have been added to GTA Online:
    • Truffade Thrax
    • Obey 8F Drafter
    • Weeny Issi Sport
    • Vapid Caracara 4×4
    • Annis S80RR
    • Enus Paragon R
    • Enus Paragon R (Armoured) – Available on completion of Casino Story Missions in GTA Online
  • Over 400+ items of clothing and artwork for the Penthouse will be made for sale for Male and Female characters in the Casino Store that rotates items weekly
  • New Races have been added to GTA Online
  • One new Series has been added to GTA Online:
    Race Series
  • Six new player actions have been added to GTA Online:
    • Cut Throat
    • Cry Baby
    • Stinker
    • Shadow Boxing
    • Karate Chops
    • The Woogie
  • New Daily Objectives have been added to GTA Online
  • Eleven new Awards have been added to GTA Online

New Features & Updates

  • Updates have been made to the ‘Passive Mode’ option in GTA Online:
    • Passive Mode can now no longer be active when using a weaponized vehicle
    • A Passive Mode cooldown of 2 minutes is now in place for players who have just killed another player
    • Players now must wait 5 minutes before they can activate Passive Mode again after disabling it
    • Players now must wait 30 seconds before they can disable Passive Mode after activating it
  • Updates have been made to the ‘Go Ghosted’ option in GTA Online:
    • The ‘Go Ghosted’ option is now available to players after 2 deaths instead of 3
    • The length of time players remain ghosted to each other has been increased from 2 minutes to 5 minutes
    • The window of time for consecutive kills to count has been increased from 5 minutes to 10 minutes
  • The ‘Go Ghosted’ option is now available if the killing player is part of an Organization or Motorcycle Club so players can:
    • ‘Go Ghosted to GAMERTAG’ (if not in a Gang)
    • ‘Go Ghosted to ORG NAME’ (if in an Organization)
    • ‘Go Ghosted to MC NAME’ (if in a Motorcycle Club)
    • Players will remain Ghosted to the members of the Gang even if they disband
  • Updates have been made to Daily Objectives in GTA Online:
  • A number of PVP related Daily Objectives have been removed
  • The first Daily Objective in the list will now be the same for all players each day
  • The cash reward for completing the Daily, Weekly, and Monthly streaks has been increased
  • A new ‘Services’ option has been added to the Interaction Menu that allows players to view and change options for all large vehicle properties such as:
    • The Terrorbyte
    • The Avenger
    • The Mobile Operations Center
    • The Galaxy Super Yacht
  • Updates have been made to Series in GTA Online:
  • ‘Featured Adversary Mode’ has been renamed to ‘Featured Series’
  • Target Assault Series has been removed
  • Each Series type now only has one trigger on the map
  • Several help text entries regarding existing Series have been removed
  • Updates have been made to Series help text appearance rates
  • Player Elevation Indicators are now present in all Instanced Content such as Adversary Modes, Heists etc.
  • Time Trials now pay out $100,000 upon successful completion
  • The Stone Hatchet has been added to Creators
  • The Declassee Impaler is now purchasable on the website
  • Arena Traps have been added to the Arena Creator
  • The Race type of Arena War Races are now forced into being a ‘GTA Race’
  • Players can now use the laptop in their Arena Workshop to see all of the Sponsorship Tier unlocks they have been awarded The Nightclub popularity gained for completing a Nightclub Management Mission has been increased from 10% to 25%

GTA Story Mode Fixes

General/ Miscellaneous

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to access the Railgun
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to buy cinema tickets

GTA Online Fixes

Game Stability, Performance and Networking

  • Ongoing improvements have been made in GTA Online to fix crashes, improve the quality of matchmaking, and reduce the number of online connection issues including disconnections and split sessions.

General/ Miscellaneous – PS4, Xbox One and PC

  • Fixed issues related to earning/losing ammunition when dropping and picking up the Widowmaker or Unholy Hellbringer weapons
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in GTA Online players losing ammunition when dying with the Widowmaker or Unholy Hellbringer weapons equipped
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the incorrect behaviour of the Reinforced Scoop modification on Arena contender vehicles
  • Fixed issues that resulted in players losing ammo and/or weapons after completing an Arena War job
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing ammo after getting killed by the Hatchet
  • Fixed an issue with a button conflict in the Business Battle – Targeted Data
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players dying after delivering supplies to their Warehouse
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in thermal vision working incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing the yellow coloration of the stock wheels on the Nightmare/Consumer variant of Arena War vehicles
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the ‘Saved Outfits’ option to be missing while in the Wardrobe
  • Fixed issues that resulted in Wardrobe items appearing blank
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the Hide Options > Arena War Series menu not working correctly
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being targeted in the Biker Club Work – Stand Your Ground
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in songs skipping when going through transform checkpoints
  • Fixed an issue with the turning circle of the Nagasaki Chimera tricycle
  • Fixed issues that resulted in players getting stuck when entering or exiting properties
  • Fixed issues with the Arena Wars Career and Career Unlocks
  • Fixed issues with model, livery and modifications on the following vehicles:
    • Benefactor Bruiser
    • Declasse Brutus
    • MTL Cerberus
    • Western Deathbike
    • Schyster Deviant
    • Vapid Dominator (Arena Variants)
    • Declasse Impaler
    • Weeny Issi (Arena Variants)
    • Bravado Sasquatch
    • HVY Scarab
    • Vapid Slamvan (Arena Variants)
    • Annis ZR380
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in no ambient population within Ammu-Nation
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck when quitting the Adversary Mode – Hot Bomb
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players being told they do not have an active hairstyle while in the Barber shop
  • Fixed issues that resulted in portions of some haircuts appearing as bald
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being taken to the lobby when launching a Job
  • Fixed an issue with pricing for the ‘Dual War Poles’ mod on the Weeny Apocalypse Issi
  • Fixed an issue with spike damage on the Weeny Issi Arena contender vehicles
  • Fixed issues that resulted in players getting stuck when joining/quitting a Job
  • Fixed issues that resulted in incorrect pay outs for some Arena Wars
  • Fixed issues that resulted in props not loading correctly in Arena War – Wreck It
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the UI to be incorrect in Arena War – Wreck It
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the objective falling through the map in Arena War – Flag War
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the flag being returned to the spawn point instead of dropping where a player died in the Arena War – Flag War
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect blip scaling in Arena War – Flag War
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players incorrectly receiving invites to Arena War – Here Come the Monsters
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players spawning under the map in Arena War – Tag Team
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players not having a tablet controls in the Spectator Box during Arena War – Tag Team
  • Fixed lighting issues in Arena War – Bomb Ball
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the incorrect player being granted the win in Arena War – Carnage
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players clipping through the map during the round intro camera in Arena War – Games Masters
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players being killed instantly when progressing to the next round in Arena War – Games Masters
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck when firing a missile in Arena War – Game Masters
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players clipping into the ground when spawning into Arena War – Game Masters
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being given enough product to complete the Biker Sell Mission – Friends in Need
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the engine drive belt animation not displaying on several Arena Contender vehicles
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in sale banners not being visible on some vehicles purchasable through the Arena War website
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the vehicle jump boost not functioning on the RC Bandito under some circumstances
  • Fixed missing text that displayed on the website when searching for the Arena War website
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the Tombstone functionality of the Dominator Arena War vehicles affecting players in Passive Mode
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in player vehicles incorrectly respawning after entering water during a RC Bandito Race
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players and ambient population not reacting when driven into by an RC Bandito
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the lock-on position of the Savage helicopter to be too low
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in enemies playing incorrect animations when killed by players
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect hit detection when using the Up-n-Atomizer weapon
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect animations to be played when standing up from seats
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect animations when attempting to rappel from some helicopters
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in dropped player weapons showing incorrect customization to other players in the session
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect position synchronization when killing an enemy on a motorcycle
  • Fixed an that resulted in incorrect animation when watching another player in a session leave the water via a ramp
  • Fixed an issue that that resulted in the ‘Sort by Price’ option not working correctly on several vehicle websites while sales were active
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in enemies taking cover against thin air in some locations
  • Fixed an issue with the Arena War website that prevented vehicle seat capacities from being shown
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in enemies falling through the world during ragdoll animations
  • Fixed issues that resulted in incorrect camera intersections while inside the Maze Bank Arena
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect functionality of the shunt boost on some Arena contender vehicles
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect vehicle mortar explosion audio on some Arena contender vehicles
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in missing audio and visual effects for the Nitro Boost functionality of some Arena contender vehicles when watching other players in a session
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the in-game heads up display not working after accepting an invite
  • Fixed and issue that resulted in incorrect pricing to be displayed on the roll cage mod for the HVY Scarab
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the Heist Planning Board to appear blank
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in player cameras becoming stuck
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to exit after using a missile in Arena Wars
  • Fixed issues with Epsilon Robes outfit
  • Fixed help text issues that occurred after purchasing the RC Bandito
  • Fixed issues with the pause menu option when trying to use the ‘Join Next Mode from Spectator Box’ option
  • Fixed issues with the visibility of some tire wall props in Arena Wars
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in a delay in player functionality after playing Don’t Cross the Line
  • Fixed an issue in that resulted in Capture Modes ending incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in a delay when requesting a replacement for a destroyed Arena War vehicle
  • Fixed an issue with a button conflict when attempting to ‘Join Arena War’ in the Japanese version of the game
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck after upgrading a vehicle in the Arena Workshop
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in a RC Bandito to incorrectly appear in the Arena Workshop
  • Fixed issues that resulted in the new item star icons not displaying in the Arena Workshop menu
  • Fixed pricing issues with some colored headlight mods
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players being put into the incorrect Arena War mode during the Tutorial
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to incorrectly have a vehicle health bar above their car
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in a delay with the interior loading when spawning into the Arena
    Fixed issues with the parachute bags for India and Pakistan
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in some country flag parachute bags incorrectly switching textures when removed after landing
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players seeing other players’ Arena property tutorial cutscene
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in custom vehicle names to appear as ‘NULL’ for spectating players during Arena Wars
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in some Arena War light emitting clothing not being controlled by the the ‘Illuminated Clothing’ option
  • Fixed a button conflict that occurred in the Arena spectator box in the Japanese version of the game
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in Biker Business – Defend Missions repeatedly launching for some players
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ ‘My Friends Crew’ list not populating with players correctly
  • Fixed issues that resulted in incorrect audio for the Terrorbyte Drone
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to fly a drone in the Terrorbyte
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players being given a spectator drone instead of a missile after selecting missile in the Arena spectator box
  • Fixed issues with the gun tower blips in the Arena
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in some vehicles showing up under the wrong categories in the Pegasus menu
  • Fixed issues with Nightclub Business production time
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in money props floating after performing the Make It Rain player action
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in visual effect problems when completing certain player actions
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck after finishing a Race
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to navigate the Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack page
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players seeing under the map during the loser screen of the Missile Silo Series
  • Fixed issues that resulted in a delay in the Nightclub interior loading in
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players having the incorrect UI during an Arena cutscene
  • Fixed help text issues that occurred when spectating Arena War content
  • Fixed screen filter issues that occurred when spectating Arena War content
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the ‘Acceleration’ and ‘Braking’ stat text to be replaced with ‘Selected Mod Cost’ and ‘Total Mods Cost’ during Race vehicle selection
  • Fixed issues with the Leaderboard at the end of Arena War content
  • Fixed issues with radar height indicators while operating a missile in Arena War content

General / Miscellaneous PC Only

  • Fixed a crashed that occurred during the Arena War – Games Masters
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect keyboard prompts when using the tablets in the Arena War spectator box
  • Fixed button conflicts that occurred when attempting to exit the Sponsorship Tier menu
    Fixed pricing issues with the Arena War vehicle ‘Jump’ upgrade
  • Fixed issues that caused players to get stuck when ordering a vehicle from Pegasus
  • Fixed UI conflicts that occurred on in-game websites when trying to enter an Organization name with Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese

General / Miscellaneous – PS4 Only


  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck after suspending via the PlayStation home button during Don’t Cross the Line
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players receiving incorrect error messages when accepting an invite from another player


Rockstar Creator Fixes – PS4, Xbox One and PC Only


  • Fixed a crash that occurred when using the Arena Creator
  • Fixed lighting issues that occurred when using the Arena Creator
  • Fixed an incorrect error message that occurred when changing the Arena variant
  • Fixed issues that occurred when using certain pipe props with prop snapping enabled
  • Fixed issues that caused the props menu to break in the Arena Creator
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players receiving an incorrect alert screen ‘Unable to Connect to the Rockstar Games Social Club, Please Try Again Later’ while in the Creator
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to turn on the ‘Lock Delete’ option
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players being incorrectly told to ‘Place the Finish Line Camera’
  • Fixed incorrect help text related to the Creator Fixture Remover
  • Fixed prop selecting issues that occurred with the Creator Fixture Remover
  • Fixed restrictions that occurred when trying to place checkpoints underwater
  • Fixed text issues that caused “<>” to incorrectly appear in the Creator
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to scroll out of the ‘Arena Dynamic Props’ menu


UGC Content Fixes – PS4, Xbox One and PC Only


  • Fixed an issue that resulted in crashes when manually respawning in some UGC content
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players being placed in the incorrect vehicle at the start of a UGC modes
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players spawning outside the Arena in various UGC modes
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players being able to drop mines in UGC Standard Races
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players facing the wrong way in UGC Standard Races

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