CoD: Vanguard | Update bringt Balancing-Anpassungen & Fixes
Mit dem heutigen Update für „Call of Duty: Vanguard“ nimmt SHG weitere Fehlerkorrekturen und Balancing-Anpassungen an Waffen und Perks vor. Im nachfolgenden findet ihr die vollständigen Patch Notes.
Patch Notes – 31. März 2022
- Arms Race
- The “Escort” and “Eliminate” UI elements will now properly update during the sudden death phase of a match.
- Addressed an exploit that allowed players to become invulnerable after dying to fall damage.
- Addressed an issue that caused Buy Station purchases to not subtract from the player’s cash balance.
- Players will no longer have an invisible weapon when the “Bioluminescence” or “Steamer” Blueprints are equipped.
- Ranked Play
- Updated Restrictions
- The Skal Crusher has been restricted in Ranked Play and can no longer be equipped to loadouts.
- Cooper Carbine (Assault Rifle)
- 22” Cooper Custom (Barrel)
- Increased ADS time.
- 8” Ragdoll Short (Barrel)
- Decreased recoil while firing.
- 18” Ragdoll G45 (Barrel)
- Decreased recoil while firing.
- Cooper 45rs (Stock)
- Increased initial recoil while firing.
- Armaguerra 43 (Submachine Gun)
- Addressed an issue that prevented progression of challenges in the Mindgames camo category.
- Type 11 (Light Machine Gun)
- Decreased recoil while firing.
- Bren (Light Machine Gun)
- Increased sprintout time.
- Increased hip-fire spread.
- Oak & Shield 590mm Model 2B (Barrel)
- Decreased ADS time (-8%).
- .50 BMG 50 Round Mags (Magazine)
- Increased ADS time.
- Increased hip-fire spread.
- Whitley (Light Machine Gun)
- .50 BMG 150 Round Boxes (Magazine)
- Decreased damage bonus (-32%).
- M1 Garand (Marksman Rifle)
- Decreased ADS time.
- .30-06 and 6.5 Sakura Drums (Magazine)
- Increased ammo capacity from 16 to 20 (+25%).
- SVT-40 (Marksman Rifle)
- Increased ADS time.
- G-43 (Marksman Rifle)
- Decreased ADS time.
- Decreased hip-fire spread.
- Kar98K (Sniper Rifle)
- Addressed an issue that caused slower than intended ADS time when an Optic Attachment was not equipped.
- Combat Shield (Melee)
- Addressed an issue that allowed enemy Attack Dogs to deal damage through the Combat Shield.
- Machine Pistol (Handgun)
- Decreased recoil while firing.
- Decreased hip-fire spread.
- Engineer (Intel)
- Increased the visibility of highlighted enemy Equipment and Killstreaks.
User Interface & Experience
- Bug Fixes
- Operators will now properly walk in the lobby while a Combat Shield and Pistol are equipped in the favorite loadout.
- Combat Pacing and Quick Play Filter selections will no longer be reset after returning to the Main Menu.

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