CoD: Warzone | Weiteres Balancing Update für Sniper verfügbar
Raven Software hat heute ein weiteres Update für „Call of Duty: Warzone“ veröffentlicht. Mit diesem werden einige Fehlerkorrekturen vorgenommen. Außerdem nimmt der Patch Balancing-Anpassungen an den Scharfschützengewehren vor. Genauer gesagt wird die Schadensreichweite der Sniper um 35% erhöht. Ziel dabei war es, alle Scharfschützengewehre wieder Konkurrenzfähig zu machen und nicht nur die Scharfschützengewehre mit der höchsten ADS Geschwindigkeit – also, die, mit denen ihr am schnellsten in die Zielvorrichtung wechseln könnt. Alle Details zu den Änderungen könnt ihr den Patch Notes entnehmen.
Patch Notes – 28. Juli 2022
Weapon Adjustments
We’ve seen a positive change in kill metrics since the update to Snipers in Season Three. The intent was to lean into smaller maps favoring the Aggressive Snipers vs Heavier being more suited for the large map. Our data shows that despite a smaller adoption rate (~9.5%) Snipers are still being accredited with a competitive amount of kills vs the more popular class of Weapons.
However, we’d like to lean into the Weapon to map identity harder, and as such all Snipers are receiving roughly a 35% bonus to their maximum damage range. Lighter rifles, with their damage range builds, will now more reliably cover the typical sight lines found in Rebirth Island and Fortune’s Keep. The goal is to not return to the fastest ADS Snipers being the dominant Weapon in all scenarios – so if things begin to trend that way we will make targeted changes to other statistics of those stand-out Weapons.
» Sniper Rifles «
- Kar98k (VG)
- Max Damage Range increased to 72 meters, up from 48 meters
- Type 99 (VG)
- Max Damage Range increased to 50 meters, up from 37 Meters
- 3-Line Rifle (VG)
- Max Damage Range increased to 111 meters, up from 82 Meters
- Gorenko Anti-Tank Rifle (VG)
- Max Damage Range increased to 127 meters, up from 94 meters
- Swiss K31 (BOCW)
- Max Damage Range increased to 57 meters, up from 42 Meters
- Sniper Rifle Charlie (MW)
- Max Damage Range increased to 117 meters, up from 87 Meters
- Sniper Rifle Alpha (MW)
- Max Damage Range increased to 55 meters, up from 41 Meters
- HDR (MW)
- Max Damage Range increased to 117 meters, up from 87 Meters
- Rytec AMR (MW)
- Max Damage Range increased to 80 meters, up from 59 Meters
- Pelington 703 (BOCW)
- Max Damage Range increased to 58 meters, up from 43 Meters
- ZRG 20mm (BOCW)
- Max Damage Range increased to 137 meters, up from 102 Meters
- SP-R 208 (MW)
- Max Damage Range increased to 45 meters, up from 33 Meters
- LW3 – Tundra (BOCW)
- Max Damage Range increased to 61 meters, up from 45 Meters
- Sniper Rifle Charlie (BOCW)
- Max Damage Range increased to 92 meters, up from 68 Meters
- Marksman Rifle Charlie (MW)
- Max Damage Range increased to 49 meters, up from 36 Meters
- Damage Reduction decreased to 15%, down from 20%
We’ve seen a positive adoption of Serpentine in Loadouts, and as such average encounter time has crept up. We’re reducing the bonus damage mitigation so that it’s still a valuable perk, but has less of an impact on average TTK. We’ll be watching this space closely and will make further adjustments as necessary.
- Fixed an issue on Fortune’s Keep causing the gas to be more difficult to see than intended.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Players to exploit Weapon Trade Stations.
- Fixed an issue causing Deployable Buy Stations to remain active in the gas – allowing for unintended exploits.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Skål Crusher (VG) to not have a Zombies Mastery Camo section available.
- Fixed an issue causing incorrect unlock criteria to appear for the “The Vault“ Vehicle skin in the Vehicle Customization menu.
Fixed collision issues with the AI mercenaries during the Cash Extraction Event on Fortune’s Keep.
Terminator Bundles Info
Die Terminator Judgement Day Bundles sind vom 1. bis 31. August verfügbar. Mehr zu den Inhalten findet ihr in der Newsübersicht (hier klicken)

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