CoD: Vanguard | Patch Notes zu Season 5 Reloaded Update 1.023 | 1.23
Update 1.023 | 1.23 für „Call of Duty: Vanguard“ steht zum Download bereit. Mit dem Patch werden die finalen Season 5 Reloaded Inhalte für den Shooter hinzugefügt. Mit dem Patch endet auch gleichzeitig der Support mit weiterem Content. Die Downloadgröße beträgt 7.847 GB auf Playstation 5 und dürfte auf den anderen Plattformen ähnlich groß ausfallen. Nachfolgend findet ihr eine Zusammenfassung der neuen Inhalte und die Patch Notes.
Patch Notes Update 1.23 | 1.023
Zu den neuen Inhalten, die mit Update 1.23 ihren Weg in „Call of Duty: Vanguard“ finden, zählen die Mehrspielerkarte „Fortress“, die beiden Waffen Lienna 57 LMG und BP50 Sturmgewehr sowie die beiden Operator Rorke and Seraph. Außerdem ist von weiteren Anpassungen und Verbesserungen auszugehen.
- Karte: Fortress – Schauplatz der Karte ist eine post-apokalyptische Festung am Mittelmehr
- Waffen: Lienna 57 LMG und BP50 Sturmgewehr
- Operator: Rorke and Seraph
Vollständige Patch Notes
- NEW: Fortress (In-Season)
- Battle in a desert graveyard featuring the remains of old ships; Fortress is a medium-sized map with a loose three-lane structure.
- Coming soon: Fortress 24/7 Featured Playlist
- Beheaded
- Reduced Hardpoint boundaries near the Record Shop to prevent unintended capture points.
- Addressed an exploit that allowed players to reach an unintended location near the Clothing Store.
- Paradise
- Equipment and Field Upgrades will no longer fall through the bridge near the Cliff Path.
- Radar
- Improved enemy dog AI pathing near the Vehicle Bay.
- Blueprint Gun Game
- Blueprint Gun Game is now available in Private Matches.
- Corrected a grammatical error in the Tank Triumphant Seasonal Challenge description.
- Addressed an issue that prevented players from earning Mastery Operator Skins for Task Force Immortal Operators.
- NEW: He “Seraph” Zhen-Zhen (Tyrants)
- Seraph grew up in the Singapore Quarantine Zone, daughter of a high ranking officer of the 54 Immortals. She honored her lineage and excelled within the syndicate becoming its youngest ever Enforcer. She is a living embodiment of the 54I’s will, strictly quelling dissent within its ranks, while projecting the syndicate’s force and ambition wherever it’s needed. Her dedication and skills are unmatched, as she proved when she willingly offered her own arm in return for the honor of receiving a cybernetic limb from the 54I.
- Available to purchase via Bundle.
- NEW: Gabriel T. Rorke (Tyrants)
- Gabriel Rorke graduated from the US Naval Academy and became a Captain in the Marines. During an assassination mission in Caracas, Venezuela, Rorke braved the flooding city to locate and kill General Diego Almagro, leader of the Federation. During the chaos of his squad’s extraction, Rorke was left behind. He was found by The Federation, who brainwashed away his loyalties, turning him into a man with an undying vendetta against his own.
- Available to purchase via Bundle.
- NEW: BP50 (Assault Rifle)
- This fully automatic bullpup assault rifle boasts a high fire rate while reminaing deadly and accurate at long range.
- Complete an unlock challenge or purchase a Bundle to earn this Weapon.
- Get 15 ADS Kills with an Acog Optic Equipped
- NEW: Lienna 57 (Light Machine Gun, In-Season)
- This compact LMG is capable of high accuracy during sustained fire at short to medium ranges.
- Complete an unlock challenge or purchase a Bundle to earn this Weapon.
- Get 15 Longrange Kills
- Marco 5 (Submachine Gun)
- Improved coverage and appearance of equipped Mastery Camos.
- RA 225 (Submachine Gun)
- Decreased muzzle smoke VFX to improve visibility while firing.
User Interface & Experience
- Improved performance of loading UI images on previous console generations.
- Addressed an issue that prevented players from accessing the Customization menu.
Bundles & Cosmetics
- Corrected multiple animations while using the Down to the Wire Operator Skin for Beatrice.
- Addressed an issue that caused the T-1000 Operator Skin to not reflect properly in the lobby walk sequence.
- Optic Attachments will no longer appear smaller than intended on the Armored Strength Blueprint for the Cooper Carbine.
- „The Archon“
- Addressed an issue where players would rarely fall through the map when sprinting into a door and purchasing it simultaneously.
- Addressed various visual discrepancies on the map, such as missing textures, missing geography, or rare instances where a Zombie may appear to clip into a rock while climbing over it.
- Addressed a rare issue where a Boom-Schreier could spawn in a locked portion of the map and be unable to navigate to the player.
- Addressed a rare issue where a Zombie could spawn outside the map shortly after unlocking the Pack-a-Punch machine.
- Zombies spawning during Exfil will now have their proper portal effect upon spawn.
- The Decimator Shield will now play „pick-up“ dialogue when acquired by a player.
- You take me into battle? Our tales shall be GLORIOUS!
- Players that join during round 1 will no longer trigger the opening conversation to play again.
- Kortifex will now display „immune“ when appropriate.
- Kortifex’s lightning ball attack will now ignore downed players.
- „Shi No Numa“
- Addressed a rare issue where players could sometimes take damage when navigating to Dig Site from the Altar of Covenants.
- „Terra Maldicta“
- Players who join a match in progress will no longer experience a yellow filter on their screen if the host is in the „Isle of Blight“ area.
- Assault Rifles
- Automaton
- The 5.6MM 25 Round Mags now accurately display an increase of 25 rounds/mag, instead of 30, in the loadout menu.
- Marksman Rifles
- M1 Garand
- Blueprint: Grand Cafe
- Addressed an issue where the .30-06 20 Round Drums would provide 16 rounds instead of 20 as expected.
- Attachments
- Reticles
- Multiple in-game Zombies reticles have been updated to align with their loadout preview.
- Lethals
- Monkey Bomb
- Addressed a rare issue where dropped Monkey Bombs by zombies could sometimes fall partially into the ground and could not be obtained.
- Pack-A-Punch
- General
- Reduced muzzle flash and smoke volume on Pack-A-Punch upgraded weapons.
- Push Dagger
- The Push Dagger Pack-A-Punch Level 1 camo now properly wraps around it.
- The following named weapons will now use the intended Pack-A-Punch bullet audio when upgraded.
- BP-50
- Lienna 57
- The following named blueprints will now use the intended Pack-A-Punch bullet audio, tracers, or muzzle flash.
- Bitrate Banger
- Chromosonal
- Identity Theft
- Liquid Medal
- Mixed Oxide
- Motorhead
- Neo Paleocene
- Persistent Mission
- Schadenfreude
- Spaceship Grey
- Artifacts
- Addressed an issue that prevented players from utilizing their Artifacts if they obtained them while, or shortly after, being downed and revived.
- Covenants
- Death Blow and Critical Expertise no longer refund or overflow lethal equipment when paired together.
- „The Archon“
- Trial of Resilience
- The HUD smoke treatment associated with transporting cursed objects has been disabled due to frequently flashing while a player is moving.
- Enemies
- Zaballa the Deceiver
- Addressed an issue where Zaballa the Deceiver would sometimes fly away when eliminated.
- Challenges
- Camouflage Challenges
- Addressed an issue that prevented the Wildcat and Deadeye challenge progression if the player killed the Sturmkrieger with their backpack.
- Addressed an issue that prevented the Welgun from contributing to the Plague Diamond camo progress for the Submachine Gun category.
- Season 5
- „Desert Dominion“
- Addressed an issue that prevented this challenge from tracking.
- Stability
- Added new stability improvements and exploit fixes.

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