Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, 3 x Warzone 2.0 | Update 1.30 verfügbar
Heute ist Update 1.030 | 1.30 für den „Call of Duty HQ Client | Warzone x Modern Warfare “ veröffentlicht worden. Mit dem Patch werden erste Vorbereitungen zur Integration der für Modern Warfare 3 erforderlichen Inhalte getroffen. Ab dem 2. November erhalten Vorbesteller der digitalen Version von „Modern Warfare 3“ einen Kampagnen-Vorabzugriff. Damit die Kampagne dann aus dem HQ heraus gestartet werden kann, wird am Release Tag noch eine separate Listenaktualisierung veröffentlicht. Die Freischaltung erfolgt auf den Konsolen und auf dem PC weltweit zur selben Zeit – am 2. November 2023 um 18 Uhr. Des Weiteren bringt das heutige Update auch Anpassungen und Fixes für Warzone 2.0 x Modern Warfare 2.
Patch Notes – Call of Duty Update 1.30 | 1.030 | Modern Warfare 2, 3 x Warzone 2.0
Die Downloadgröße für das Call of Duty HQ Update 1.30 beträgt 6.549 GB auf Playstation 5 und dürfte auf anderen Systemen ähnlich Groß ausfallen – mit Ausnahme von Xbox, denn dort installiert das Update die Kampagnen Pakete direkt mit, weshalb die Downloadgröße auf Xbox bis zu 55GB groß sein kann. Installierbar ist der Patch dann ab 17 Uhr deutscher Zeit, etwa zu dieser Zeit dürfte das Update dann auch für Xbox und PC verfügbar sein. Neben Vorbereitungen zur Integration der Modern Warfare 3 Inhalte in den Call of Duty HQ Client bringt das Update auch Fixes und Anpassungen für Warzone 2.0 und Modern Warfare 2. Nachfolgend findet ihr die vollständigen Patch Notes.
Patch Notes – 1. November 2023
- This update includes several fixes for known crashes
- Fixed an issue that could cause the “Fetching Online Profile” message to hang
- Fixed an issue that could kick the Player to the main menu when trying to access the Campaign via the New Game option
- Fixed an issue where the Skeletor Operator’s staff was misaligned with his hands when using a Finishing Move
- Fixed an exploit on Embassy where an area lacked collision, allowing Players to hide in an unintended location during Zombie Infected
- Fixed an issue where the “Alien Death Ray” Weapon Blueprint had an attachment combination not possible under normal customization
- Fixed an issue where ADS view was obscured in Third Person when using the Lilith Operator
- Fixed an issue where High Velocity Rounds were not able to hit enemies under the surface of water
- Fixed an issue where previewing some Gun Screens would cause an incorrect menu to display
- Fixed an issue that could cause navigating the Groups menu to kick Players back to the main menu
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Players total Soul amount to display incorrectly after a rewards purchase in the Events tab
- Fixed an issue where confirming the language setting in the main menu could cause an error
- Fixed several issues that could cause an error when navigating in the Battle Pass
- Fixed an issue with the Tempus Razorback “Hellspawn” Weapon Blueprint had an incorrect optic displayed in the menu
- Fixed an issue where the Sakin MG38 “Treat” Weapon Blueprint was missing a visible smoke effect
- Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when rapidly entering and exiting the Killstreak page within the Weapons tab
- Fixed an issue where rapidly entering and exiting the Emblem page could kick the Player out of the menu
- Fixed an issue where the Soap Operator name displayed incorrectly
- Fixed an issue where an error could occur when attempting to load into a Team Deathmatch Private Match on Shipment
- Fixed an issue where the Player could lose control of a Killstreak if eliminated while operating the Killstreak
- Fixed an issue where Players could encounter a frozen screen during the Battle Pass intro video on some new accounts
- Fixed an issue where Juggernauts would sometimes not appear during the final fight in the Atomgrad Raid Episode 04
- Fixed an issue where the M4 “Union Guard” Weapon Blueprint displayed a placeholder image in the Combat Detail Widget
- Fixed an issue where a number of Weapon Blueprints had a placeholder image display in the Combat Detail Widget
- Fixed an issue where a placeholder image appears in the HUD when the Player is eliminated by an MRAP turret
- Adjusted the brightness of the “Flow Thru” camo
- Increased the total number of possible Active Duty Operator slots in DMZ
- Reduced the number of Stims dropped by minions when fighting The Butcher
- Fixed an issue that could prevent Players from receiving the “Undead Runes” decal correctly
- Fixed an exploit allowing Players to store multiple weapons when carrying a hostage
- Fixed some collision and geo issues in Vondead
- Fixed an issue where cash dropped by The Butcher was in incorrect increments
- Fixed an issue that could allow the Swamp Creature to attack Players during the exfil sequence after winning a match
- Fixed an issue where bartering for a Disguise at the Scavenger’s Buy Station would only yield a Disguise at 0% (would disappear upon any health damage taken)
- Fixed an issue where the chalkboards do not display the correct writing when using the R4D Detector in Building 21
- Fixed an issue where Players could avoid being attacked by the UFO if they have the Cold-Blooded Perk
- Fixed an issue where the Swamp Creature could respawn in the gas after completing the event in DMZ
- Fixed an issue where reviving a Player that had plead for help in DMZ after a squad wipe could result in issues performing the revive
- Fixed an issue where having multiple Active Duty Operator selected in DMZ could cause a screen flicker in the Operator Select screen
- Fixed an issue where a red light can briefly appear when entering an LTV
- Fixed an issue where having the Scavenger’s Buy Station open in DMZ when it is destroyed will allow the Player to access an unintended Buy Station menu
- Fixed an issue where “Captain Silver’s Briefcase” could not be opened in DMZ
MW3 Kampagnen Vorabzugriff
Der Vorabzugriff auf die Kampagne ist wie bereits erwähnt ab dem 2. November 2023 möglich um 18 Uhr deutscher Zeit. Die erforderlichen Spieldaten „Campaign Pack 01 und Campaign Pack 02“ können auf PC und Playstation bereits heruntergeladen werden und falls der Download nicht automatisch beginnt, kann der Download über Spiel Verwalten manuell gestartet werden . Die Kampagne bietet euch 15 Missionen, darunter auch Offene Kampfmissionen, bei denen ihr euren persönlichen Spielstil wählen könnt. Inhalte für den Multiplayer werden am 10. November freigeschaltet. Preload ist ab 8. November 2023 möglich. Weitere Infos zum Preload in unseren vorherigen News (hier klicken).

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