CoD WW2: Update 1.15 live; Neues Multiplayer & Zombie Crossover Event & mehr

by Ed Snow

CoD WW2: Update 1.15 live; Neues Multiplayer & Zombie Crossover Event & mehr

SHG veröffentlichte heute ein neues Update für „Call of Duty: WWII“. Die knapp 5GB große Aktualisierung bringt euch neben einem neuen Event auch diverse Bugfixes und mehr. Bei dem Event handelt es sich um „Attack of the Undead“, ein Multiplayer und Zombies Crossover Event. Darin spielt ihr verschiedne Modi. Den Anfang macht eine Abwandlung des Modus „Infiziert“ mit einem Twist. Ebenfalls als Teil des Events gibt es neue Waffen. Die Patch Notes werden wir euch in Kürze ebenfalls hier in diesem Beitrag bereitstellen. Folgt uns gerne auf Facebook um keine News mehr zu verpassen.

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Event Infos

  1. Infected: Dieser Modus wird sein Call of Duty: WWII-Debüt während des Angriffs der Untoten feiern. Macht euch bereit, eure Freunde und eure kürzlich verwandelten Freunde so weit wie möglich von euch fern zu halten.
  2. Hordepoint: Hardpoint mit einer untoten Wendung! Sichert die Hardpoints mit euren Teamkollegen und seid dann bereit, sie vor Feinden und Nazi-Zombies zu verteidigen!
  3. Relikt der Untoten: In diesem Spielmodus müsst ihr so lange wie möglich einem Nazi-Zombie-Kopf festhalten, um Punkte zu sammeln. Es ist eine Art Gridiron ohne irgendwelche Ziele oder eine tödliche Version von Keep-away.

Neue Waffen:

Mit dem Event halten ebenfalls neue Waffen einzug ins Spiel.

  1. PTRS 41 Sniper
  2. Stringer LMG
  3. Fire Axe
  4. Claymore Sword
  5. Blunderbuss
  6. Lever Action

Neue Karte (Zeitlich Begrenzt im Rahmen des Events)

Als neue Map könnt ihr die Tutorial Karte „Groesten Haus“ spielen. Sie wird nur zeitlich begrenzt im Rahmen des Events spielbar sien. Nachfolgend gibt es noch den Trailer.

Event Trailer

Official Call of Duty®: WWII — 'Attack of the Undead!' Community Event Trailer

Dieses Video wird über Youtube eingebettet und erst mit einem Klick auf den Play Button geladen. Es gelten die Datenschutzrichtlinien von Google.

Patch Notes


  1. Attack of the Undead Community Event is live!
  2. New Community Challenge is now live! Get 3 BILLION Zombie Kills! (Blog with more info coming soon. Kills in both Nazi Zombies and MP count towards community total)
  3. Zombies HQ is live
  4. Infected mode is live! (Hordepoint and Relic of the Undead coming soon)
  5. Call of Duty Endowment ‘Fear Not’ Pack now live in US and UK
  6. New Community Event MP map: Gröesten Haus (live for Infected mode, Hordepoint and Relic of the Undead coming soon)
  7. 7 new weapons (Blunderbuss, Nambu Type 2, Lever Action, PTRS 41, M1919, Fire Axe, Claymore)
  8. New Supply Drop content
  9. Master Prestige players now receive 300 AC log in bonus (more rewards are still in the works)
  10. New item type: Face Camos (located in the Customize Division menu)
  11. Ranked Play Season 4 is now live!


Connectivity/Spawns/Performance/Split Screen/Mechanics

  1. Fixed issue where players were losing tokens after Prestiging
  2. Fixed rare issue where players would crash after disconnecting their controller while accepting a party invite
  3. Fixed rare issue where third card in supply drops would not flip over
  4. Fixed issue where Paintjobs were disappearing and turning black
  5. Fixed issue where players lost functionality and received error message during the After Action Report
  6. Fixed issue where error message prevented players from accessing Local Play
  7. Fixed issue where players receive error message when selecting attachment slots for the Type 38
  8. Fixed rare issue with splitscreen crashes on Gustav Cannon
  9. Fixed functionality loss issue when players attempt to collect AC from the Mail Vendor
  10. Fixed functionality loss issue when players are pulled into a lobby while viewing Emblems
  11. Fixed issue where players in Emblem Editor are joined by their party leader and then are booted with no saved progress on their Emblem
  12. Fixed splitscreen issues in S&D
  13. Fixed issue where splitscreen players lost functionality when simultaneously pressing Back and Select
  14. Fixed issue where green star notification and AC were not appearing after opening supply drops until the Call of Duty: WWII app was restarted


  1. Fixed issue on Egypt where Glide Bomb was not reaching the far corners of the map
  2. Fixed map exploit on Dunkirk
  3. Fixed issue on Operation Husky where players were unable to earn certain Scorestreaks during the dogfighting sequence


  1. Fixed issue in Gun Game where players would not progress to the next weapon after gaining a kill with a mounted LMG


  1. Fixed issue where some players’ Paintjobs were appearing on other players’ weapons in the Firing Range
  2. Fixed rare issue where players were unable to navigate menus after sitting in Firing Range for extended period of time
  3. Fixed functionality loss issue when pressing Options after loading into HQ
  4. Fixed issue where players lose functionality after leaving the Theater
  5. Fixed issue where players go into Firing Range with incorrect loadout


  1. Fixed UI issue with opening supply drops after being pulled into the 1v1 pit
  2. Fixed UI issues with the Dynamo variant in Multiplayer
  3. Various UI and art fixes and improvements (menu navigation, select functionality, text prompts, typos, weapon display, Paintjob display and controls, Reticle display, floating Lens Sights inspect animations, clipping issues, Daily Order descriptions, Find Match menu, Soldier menu, incorrect error messages, supply drop cards, Firing Range, 1v1 pit, green star notification issues)
  4. Fixed various issues with Orders not appearing to track properly
  5. Added expiration message in the Orders menu for non-Community Event Contracts


  1. Fixed issue where VO announcer audio was missing for Scorestreaks
  2. Fixed issues with missing audio for various weapon actions and motions


  1. Fixed fire rate issues experienced when player has Combat Shotgun equipped with Incendiary Shells and Rapid Fire


Airborne: Buffed “Sprint faster over time”

  1. Old: 4% faster and increase to 10%
  2. New: 7% faster and increase to 10%
  3. Explanation: The Energetic Basic Training is a flat 7% faster, so this change puts Airborne back on the map as the movement Division.

Saboteur Basic Training: Nerfed effectiveness of Satchel and S-Mine when using Saboteur Basic Training

  1. Old: 0.0 sec fuse for Satchel and 0.1 sec delay for S-Mine detonation
  2. New: 0.5 sec fuse for Satchel and 0.2 sec delay for S-Mine detonation
  3. Explanation: We’ve heard your feedback about Saboteur and so we added a small delay before Satchel and S-Mines detonate to reduce strength. We’ve adjusted how Saboteur interacts with the Flanker Basic Training so that it no longer cancels it out and has its own detonation time.

Rifle Grenade Attachment: Buffed explosive min and max damage

  1. Old: 25 min damage and 120 max damage
  2. New: 35 min damage and 125 max damage
  3. Explanation: The Rifle Grenade was relatively weak and wasn’t as useful as we intended it to be, so this buff should make it a more viable option.

Launched Basic Training: Buffed by increasing launcher damage when using Launched Basic Training

  1. New: Launchers now deal 30% more damage with Launched Basic Training than before
  2. Explanation: When we rolled out our Divisions Overhaul in April, we nerfed the strength of launchers to ensure that they wouldn’t dominate the play space and would rather be used primarily to take out Scorestreaks. This change makes this Basic Training and the use of launches a better option for a wider variety of playstyles.

Bayonet Charge/Attachment: Added a sprint speed increase while charging

  1. New: +4% sprint speed
  2. Explanation: With the addition of unlimited sprint for all, the Bayonet Charge lost its movement advantage, so we added a speed increase while charging that makes it more viable for closing space between you and an enemy.

Tactical Knife Attachment: Buffed by adding a melee speed increase when you have Tactical Knife Attachment equipped

  1. New: 15% quicker than standard melee speed
  2. Explanation: Now that Tactical Knife fills an Attachment slot, there is less of a reason to use it over a melee weapon. This small buff makes it more usable.

Shifty Basic Training: Buffed by increasing number of additional Pistol Attachments

  1. Old: 1 additional pistol attachment
  2. New: 2 additional pistol attachments
  3. Explanation: Shifty Basic Training is currently on the low-end of Basic Training usage. This change should make using pistols more viable outside of the Infantry Division.


  1. Fixed issue in GameBattles where Restricted Items were displaying in default loadouts
  2. Fixed issue where when spectating in CoDCaster mode, players with Infantry Division equipped will not appear to have a Division patch in the Division info display


  1. Fixed UI issues with the Dynamo variant for Nazi Zombies
  2. Fixed functionality and UI issues with post-match lobbies
  3. Fixed UI issue where notifications where not populating properly
  4. Fixed issue in The Shadowed Throne where ammo was not able to be replenished for the Ripsaw
  5. Fixed issue in The Shadowed Throne where players were able to kill to kill the human, as well as the zombie, in vignettes
  6. Fixed various map exploits on The Shadowed Throne
  7. Fixed issue where splitscreen players lost functionality when simultaneously pressing Back and Select
  8. Fixed issues with completing certain quests in The Shadowed Throne
  9. Fixed UI issue where incorrect rarities were displaying for Supply Drop item cards

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